Tuesday, January 22, 2008

It's never to late to continue learning.

Well, I started taking piano lessons today. I had taken in elementary through 11th grade then had given up because I hated to practice. So now I have picked it back up again and am trying to better the talent that The Lord has given me. So thats the excitement that is going on here for today. Hope everyone is doing well.


Shane and Kristy Davis said...

That's great...stick with it! I hated to practice and quit after a year of college piano. Now...I reget not applying myself. I have been trying to practice one hymn a week.

Hannah said...

nice to see everyone is doing good. we are doing good here. extremely busy. new email is hannah@atcalvarybaptist.com hope to hear from you soon and share all the news from gilead.

Shane and Kristy Davis said...

Hey Krista,
I have a question for you? I am trying to upload a video...how did you do this? On my edit post it only gives me a photo option?????