Here are some pictures from our last snow we had. Enough that the boys were able to go sledding with daddy. I'm not sure who had more fun Daddy or the boys.
Somehow I think John intentionally tried to take out Joel.
(Just something about that facial expression.
This past weekend the flu bug or whatever type of bug is going around has made its way through myself & Joel. I started with sore throat & headache on Friday am and was down a majority of the weekend. By Monday, Praise the Lord, I was felt better than I sounded. I think I am starting to sound better also. Joel started Friday night with it but seemed ok over the weekend. Monday & Tuesday he spent his days on the couch. John had a bit of sore throat and was tired and Elijah gets coughing spells once in a while but thankfully it seems to have passed both of them. Sunday all four of us stayed home to continue getting better and to keep from passing it around the Church family. Although, they could have passed it to us, since it seems like it has already gone through the Church once this year.
Here is a pictures of Joel... his pictures can describe our weekend.
This picture was to cute to pass up. He wanted to get up off the couch on Tuesday, so he got up and on the end to drink his juice. After a while he was sitting on the floor and when we checked on him a few minutes later he had fallen asleep again.
John has switched back to day shift at his work!!
When he started working at DSC Logistics in September they hired him they only hire on as 2nd or 3rd. So he had been working 2nd shift since he started. It was kind of nice having him home during the day for several reasons. I was able to work at Curves in the mornings and he was teaching Elijah, but we missed him being home in the evenings. But its one of those things, that was the door The Lord opened, so we took it. and made due with the time we had. But when they had posted an opening on 1st shift he put in his name and we hoped & prayed that it would work out. Well, he FINALLY switched to days this week. This will be his first Wednesday night in Church since September. He is greatly looking forward to that and the fact that when it starts staying lighter later he will get more time with the family. That also means I go back to teaching Elijah. Just keep that on your prayer list for a VERY LONG time. He is doing well with it but he has his days where he doesn't want to. Then we both end of getting frustrated. I didn't go to Crown for teaching I went for my Secretarial degree. OK, and my MRS. degree. :-)
Last tid-bit of info on the family... we are starting to look into moving up closer to our Church in May. Being involved as we are would be better if we were closer. Please help us pray that the right place will open up. Well, hope you enjoyed reading up on the Morgan family. We love to hear you stopped by and hope you will stop in more often. oh wait, I guess that means I would need to blog more. Well I will definitely keep you posted on how things are looking for the move.
1 comment:
So sorry that you all have been sick! Glad to hear the good news about John's job change, and I know what you mean about much prayer teaching!!!! I am reading a book called "Homeschooling with a Meek and Quiet Spririt"--it has been a great encouragement to me.
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