Monday, December 24, 2007

Childrens Christmas Program

Well, I just couldn't wait to post until after Christmas about the Children's Program last night at Church. All the kids did a wonderful job. I think Joel may have stolen the show, although, I could be a bit prejudice. Elijah & Joel both said their parts well. See video clips of their parts. I put the video clips of their songs during practice since I didn't get very much of them singing when the actual program was going on. I was laughing at Joel singing his little heart out. If you listen closely you will understand why. If you can't quite hear it, just listen for the little voice that is usually about 1/2 a phrase behind the others.

Joel's part... Sorry that it's sideways, i can't figure out how to switch it around. I think he impressed me the most because of his age. He won't be 3 till January 6 so we weren't sure if he would say it or even go up by himself.
He says, "Happy Birthday Jesus."

Elijah's part... He will be sideways for a little while, but it will soon change so that it's the right way. After each of them said their little parts they were all supposed to say another phrase but they must of got stage fright...

We hope that you enjoyed that little bit of entertainment that Elijah & Joel bring to our lives quite often around the house.

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